12 October 2008

Cut out that rotten spot and eat the rest - 55 (Utica slums)

Looking for a wonderful gal that enjoys short walks out to the clothes line to take in clothes (that are still wet) just before a thunder storm

That enjoys long rides in our 1980 Dodge Aspen with flapping in the breeze rusted front fenders

That loves to make love under the stars because we just got evicted from our house because of nonpayment of our mortagage

And loves being naked in public because all of our clothes are in the house we can no longer access with the locks now having been changed

If all of this sounds like fun, contact me ASAP

I offer myself, no financial security, and a nasty extra sharp cheese addiction

Other inducements , being what they are, are listed below.

The inducements are pictures of this man holding hot mustard packets, quarters, and a banana.

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