03 September 2008

TO GOOD TO BE TRUE - 38 (Kalamazoo)

I questioned a young woman today why in society today is it so straining to uncover true love and her reaction was because true love is dead. I was blowed out of the water by her unmistakable for love. Despite the fact thatin my experience I have been by the never-ending dissapointments I have been through in the world of dating I'll never and I am presuing|} a woman whose strong belief in the for love is as fierce as mine.

I am wanting for a strong, REAL,smart, and down to earth woman. Somebody who can make me wanna spend all my time with her and admire her. When your in the line of work I'm in I typically fall upon quite idyllic but unthinking and tiresome women. The unhealthiest thing is most of them are fake and believe that their beauty is what will take them somewhere in life when, for me atleast, it is the person on the inside that most attracts me. I must admit I am a busy man but would definently take the time to make the right woman happy.

If your search for love has brought you here and you believe that true love is not just a fairy tale I ask that you please e-mail me at


I ask that you e-mail me directly because the servers in the hospital do not allow me to recieve responses from craigslist.

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