09 September 2008

Looking to expand my family - 28 (Richland, MI)


I'm a 28 year old professional. I have a woman that I consider my wife, and a son. However, we have discussed adding another wife to our family. We both want more children, and she doesn't want to bear anymore herself. She is also a professional. We are interested in plural marriage, but we are not child molestors, not morman, and we think we aren't crazy. It just makes more sense to have 3 adults working together in a family unit than it does to have just 2. We are not looking for anyone over 35, and We are not looking for anyone who is very young. You must get along as well with my wife as you do with me, and vice versa.

We are being very real, and are just looking out there to see if we can share our love with someone else.

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