31 March 2009

Only Low Esteem women need apply (IC/Coralville)

I will treat you like crap... I won't call when I say I will... and when I do see you, I will keep asking you when you are going to lose some more weight? I will tell you how much better looking your friends are than you.

I will isolate you from your family.

you will tell me your deepest insecurities, and I will exploit them.

I will treat you like every other man has treated you in the past... and you will keep coming back for more.

--ps: say something about Iowa City/ Coralville, so I know that you are real.

I'm very torn* between denouncing this man as a hateful, misogynistic pig and applauding him for his honesty and what I'm guessing is a good deal of self-awareness colored by heavy doses of reality.

*and by torn, I mean the opposite.

1 comment:

Matt said...

To be fair, there isn't much to do in Iowa anyways... I'm sure someone will be bored enough to reply to this.