Hello lady!
Oh, man, I feel so tacky. I can't believe I actually said that. Can you forgive me? I won't blame you if you can't. In fact, feel free to give me swift punches in the arm if you want.
But not my face. ...Not 'cause I'm too pretty to get in hit in the fact but 'cause it would really hurt a lot.
Okay, so I guess I should tell you about myself? Ah, well, let's see. I enjoy things that bring me satisfaction! Such as brownies, playing my guitar (poorly, but not by choice), teaching elementary school kids, nap time, frisbee, jogging early in the morning, sleeping in very late, more nap time, kissing pretty girls, video games, and tea. Oh, and being awesome as hard as I can.
If I had to describe myself, I would say that if Shaggy from Scooby Doo, Fry from Futurama, and JD from Scrubs had a kinky-three man-laden threeway, and somehow they all got pregant with the same baby (maybe they would each carry it for a trimester? Look... I didn't think this through, okay?) then I would be that baby.
Oh, and I'm also brilliant, gorgeous, daring, and adventurous, but... I'm also not very humble, so you probably shouldn't believe me.
I'm kind of open to any kind of lady, so if you're reading this and are as bored as I am, oh, and believe me, I am so very, very bored, then drop me a line! IM me on AIM if you have it, I'm on way too much. My screen name is badgood18.
There're a picture of me below. I hope you don't think I'm a super uggo, but I'll understand if you do. I've gotten 3 or 4 responses that are like 'hey- funny post.' Um, thanks, but that's kind of useless? It would be great if you would, I dunno, identify yourself in any means or way? Also, a picture wouldn't hurt, people.
Hope to hear from you soon! Or not, if you're a stalker.
PS - Don't be a stalker.
PPS - Okay, you can be a stalker, but only if you're crazy-hot. Like drop dead yowzah gorgeous kind of hot.
PPPS - Crap, was that sexist? It was, wasn't it?!? Dammit.
PPPPS - I'm not a sexist!
PPPPPS - Unless you think that thinking women should be barefoot and locked in a kitchen all day to bake pies is sexist. Then I'm sexist as hell!
PPPPPPS - I'm not! that was a lie. I didn't think this through very well.
PPPPPPPS - I'm really bad at thinking things through.
PPPPPPPPS - If you're still reading this, you are clearly my dream girl who will indulge me in all my various levels of insanity. Will you marry me?
Psst, kid - you're trying too hard.
I think this is one of the saddest Craigslist posts I've ever seen.
11 February 2009
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