25 October 2009

im kinda drunk - 25 (chicago)

now i love my friends
tonight was fucking awesome
id say more
but im kind adrunk
and people are judgmental
to cut things short
i dream of meeting the woman of my dreams
as i am a hopeless romantic
but to do that
gotta meet as many people as possible
and keep an eopen mind
but that is that
and i do love drinking
and the woman of my dream
smart is the most important
and included in smart
drama free
and doing exactly what you want to be doing with your life
i guess that covers it
also pretty of course
and i think you should be either horribly goofy
or horribly sarcastic and judgemental
having said that
if you are amused by this rant
or think it describes you adequately
you should totally wriet
as i shall check tommorrow
and appreciate having someone to chat with
as i enjoy randomness
that is all for the night
thanks for reading
and happy weekend

Bad poetry? Oh noetry.

I love the classiness of his 'amused by this rant' and 'as i shall check tommorrow.' This might be my new favorite craigslist poem.